Sunday, November 8, 2009

Catching Up

It has been so long since my last post, I feel like I better catch up. We have been so busy with work and kids that I haven't had a chance to update my blog. The kids are growing so fast and learning new things everyday I can't keep up. Hailey will turn 3 on the 30th of this month and she is getting soo excited. We have had so many birthdays in our family lately, and she is having a hard time understanding why it can't be her birthday. I was telling Hailey that we were going down to grandmas house for a birthday and she told me that it was her birthday too. I told her, "not yet..." she then got a determined look on her face and said, " Grandma needs to take turns." It was such a funny thing to say I couldn't help but laugh. I can't believe how fast these three years have gone. Lately I have been organizing Haileys' photo album, and it has been so much fun to look at all of her pictures and see how much she has grown.

Jaden is 7 months!!! I can not believe that! He is soo much fun. He is moving all over the place. He has figured out how to get his knees up under him and then rocks back and forth. If He really wants to get somewhere fast He just rolls. We were in Sunday School and I set Jaden down on the floor with a toy for the prayer, well after the prayer we open our eyes and see Jaden on the other side of the gym. He has also figured out how to push himself backwards. I found him stuck under Haileys bed fussing because he couldn't figure out how to get out. He also got trapped under the kitchen table, he somehow weaved himself inbetween chairs.

Now here are some random pictures of the kids, they are so cute!!

Little Stud

Jaden was a dragon for halloween, soo CUTE!!

The kids after Trunk-or Treating. (Super Elmo, and a Dragon)

Jadens winter hat. I love it because he leaves it alone!

Haileys cute new outfit. I love having a girl!

They are pulling the same face.

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